
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My God Sighting

This year I decided to stretch myself a bit and sign up for VBS......with preschoolers. Even though I have never really worked much with that age this was my rationale: I have free time because it's summer vacation so why not use it, I think it is always good to try new things and seek growth/see what it's like to serving in other areas, and last of all the preschool section needed more helpers than any other section on the day I signed up. The first two real days I had to miss because I got the flu....BOO! But today I got to go. I was slightly nervous, but also very excited. When I first met my group they were very quiet, which I don't blame them. I don't open up to most strangers right away so why should they. As the day went on though, it didn't change much and they just didn't seem to respond much when I asked them questions and they seemed to be more content being engaged by observing an activity instead of doing it. All kids are different, so I also thought, I'm not going to smother them. I decided I would pursue them with opportunities and let them come out of their shell in their own time, because there are in fact quiet/shy children. I was one of them. Shocker, I know. :) It was down to our last session and I was really just hoping my kiddos at least enjoyed their time today. We were told to ask our kids what reminds them of God's love/shows them that God loves them. I asked my group as a whole, and of course no one answered. So I asked two individuals, and received no answers. I gave one child examples and she said yes to one and I ecstatic! Then I asked my last kiddo, and he didn't say anything. I started asking about examples, like being outside, or his parents, etc. When I stopped talking, he turned and looked at me and said, "You." (Sound of my heart melting) Needless to say, it was a sweet and quietly fulfilling morning.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Un-rusting a passion

This past year I have gotten myself back in the groove of photography......and my heart and my heavenly father are happy. When there isn't a photo class where there is a consequence to turning in work or when there isn't a chunk of time that is a priority, it is hard to make it happen. A big reason is we don't always give our passions priority. If it doesn't pay bills, provide insurance, or give you notoriety/advancement we seem to label it as unimportant. This is a false reality, our passions are gifts God has wired us with to keep us engaged and energized to get through the mundane. My passion (at least one of them) is photography. God opened a whole new view to his creation's beauty and the beauty of people for me through photography. My favorites are real moments, when people are being people and capturing minute and overlooked details in the world around me. I've walked by many things for the past few years and thinking "that would be an amazing photo," but sadly I didn't make time to take them. That's changing.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

High time for tea

It's finally time...........for sun tea!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Have an Egg-cellent Easter!

It's Easter and it's an amazing one at that! I had Friday off work and I get Monday off too.....Thank you, Jesus; truly, thank you Jesus. This has been a weekend full of food, friends and fun and I got to dye eggs twice. Evan and I even had our own mini easter egg hunt, just because I love holidays and the traditions that go with them. It was fun, you should really try it again as an adult. What's even better is that I've had time to do everything! There hasn't been things competing for my time or energy and it has been the best weekend ever to celebrate the Lord's beautiful love for us. And it has been exactly that, a celebration.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A real garden!

It's really happening! I get to have a garden! I am so excited. Having been raised in a family of gardeners, I didn't know not having a garden was really an option. I always love picking the fruits and veggies and having it fresh, it can't be beat. I didn't realize how much I would miss it though when I left home. For a few years I've survived by having a couple tomato plants and then hoarding as much as I could when I was home and bringing it back to Emporia with me. This year, will be a bit different. I have my own approximately 5x10 foot plot. Not nearly as big as what I grew up with, but I figured I should start small and we don't have that much yard. My garden requirements: to be able to make fresh salsa with ingredients I picked. So yes, there will of course be tomatoes, onions and green peppers. There will also be carrots, watermelon and zucchini. Evan wants peas and since he was sweet enough to turn all the soil to prepare the plot, I can't say no. I also have started my basil and am anxiously awaiting for it to sprout. If you haven't planted sweet basil, you need to. It is to die for!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is here

At last. I wasn't sure it was coming. But finally, it did. Spring!!! And this weekend was the perfect one for it. Friday I was so excited to just be coming home from work, even though I knew I would be cleaning like crazy before a friend got to our house. When I walked in, my dear husby had just finished sweeping the kitchen and dining room floors and was on to moping them. He even had dishes finished. Next he let me take a cat nap while he tidied the guest room. Yes, he is amazing and no, you can't have him :) Dinner came and we made homemade taco burgers with homemade guacamole. You can't beat it. Finally, my long-time friend, Lindsey, made it. Her visit was short, but it was so nice to just sit and talk with her, especially since she lives out of town.
Saturday came, and it was just as glorious. My favorite Saturday mornings consist of snuggling and laughing in bed with Evan. It's the perfect chill time. We got it....and a full day of it! We did nothing but veg out. Later, I planted some herbs and then we met up with more friends and met a new friend. Again, awesome. Then came today, with church, Sunday school and even a nap in the afternoon. When Ev went to worship practice I got to craft and catch up with my mom.
Usually by the time my weekend is ending, I'm dreading working on Monday. I would like to extend my weekend still, but I don't dread tomorrow. My weekend was calm and slow, but very high quality and full, yet restful at the same time. I feel so blessed by the Lord to be surrounded with wonderful people here and far away, and to have Evan as my husband. 8 months, and I love him more than ever before. Hopefully this won't be the only weekend like it that I have this year. But if it is, well, at least I got one!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It finally friend Lisa and I finally had our own craft night. I was making a baby shower gift and Lisa was working on some pins. They were all beautiful, most of them made from vintage flour sacks (why don't they reproduce these patterns?!). Being as sweet as she is, she gave me one. I love it so much and was so excited to wear it. It was then I realized I had never worn a pin before, not to my recollection anyways. I received several compliments on it. It was then I began to wonder, what happened to the pin? Scarves made a leaping comeback in the past few years. Thankfully too because they are so so gorgeous now. But the pin is not something I see on most people. Aside from Lisa, Angie at work and my friend Sam, I'm not sure I can place the memory of seeing them on anyone. This poor accessory has been lost to time and is very much unappreciated. So if you have one, wear it proudly! If you don't, I'm sure Lisa can hook you up :)